RE-CAST UTC Project Information

Project Title

Strengthening and Repair of Structural Concrete with a Fabric-reinforced-cementitious-matrix (FRCM): Laboratory Studies and Field Implementation


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Principal Investigator

John J. Myers
Missouri University of Science and Technology

PI Contact Information; 573-341-6618

Funding Source(s) and Amounts Provided (by each agency or organization)

Missouri S&T: $20,000
Al-Jazaeri Fellowship: $28,464
Simpson Strong Tie*
RE-CAST: $192,041

* estimated material in-kind for bridge demonstration project; MoDOT has formally agreed to provide the test bed (i.e. bridge structure) and site support for traffic control and load testing. This additional in kind level is currently undefined, but will be added to the project.

Total Project Cost


Matching Agency ID or Contract Number


RE-CAST Grant Award Number


Start and End Dates

Start Date: August 1, 2014
End Date: December 31, 2019

Brief Description of Research Project

This project is for consideration of a) laboratory studies to demonstrate the ability of fabric-reinforced-cementitious-matrix (FRCM) to restore section loss in flexure and shear; b) study the FRCM system subjected to environmental conditions, and c) implement of three different strengthening systems into a field demonstration project in coordination with the Missouri Department of Transportation. This project is undertaken with the partner university Univ. of Miami. The overall objective of this research [which includes round robin work to be carried out at Univ. of Miami (UM) in addition to Missouri S&T work] is to evaluate existing methods of repair of bridge girders, subjecting a new FRCM system to environmental studies, and a practical field strengthening implementation project. UM work will develop guidelines for the best methods of evaluation and repair.

Describe Implementation of Research Outcomes


Impacts/Benefits of Implementation


Web Links

Project website:

Final report: Volume I

Final report: Volume II