RE-CAST UTC Project Information

Project Title

Influence of Casting Conditions on Durability and Structural Performance of HPC-AR: Changes in workability and air-void system of concrete due to pumping


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Principal Investigator

Dimitri Feys
Missouri University of Science and Technology

PI Contact Information; 573-341-7193

Funding Source(s) and Amounts Provided (by each agency or organization)

St-Marys/CBM: $11,500
EllisDon: $3,265
Kansas-State University: $45,852
Missouri S&T: $81,593
ACI: $50,000
RE-CAST UTC: $191,394

Total Project Cost


Matching Agency ID or Contract Number

St-Marys/CBM: In-Kind Support
EllisDon: In-Kind Support
Kansas-State University: In-Kind Support
American Concrete Institute: 00057548
RE-CAST: Account # 00052346

RE-CAST Grant Award Number


Start and End Dates

Start Date:May 15, 2015
End Date: December 31, 2019

Brief Description of Research Project

The main objective of this research project is to identify the most critical factors, in terms of concrete mix design, fresh properties and pumping characteristics, which significantly modify the fresh properties of concrete and the air-void system. The research will be carried out on pumpable conventional concrete and highly-flowable concrete, including self-consolidating concrete.

The project will exist of two major parts. The first part consists of on-site measurements of variations in fresh properties and air-void system on different construction sites of the partners. The second part of the project includes a laboratory investigation on cement paste to test the effect of high shear rates and pressure on the rheology and air void system.

Based on the outcome of the research, guidelines for fresh concrete properties and pumping parameters will be developed to limit the variations in rheology and the air void system, to guarantee the stability and durability of the concrete cast inside the formwork.

Describe Implementation of Research Outcomes

The guidelines to optimize concrete properties as a function of the pumping parameters will be made available to interested organizations and can help concrete producers, contractors and infrastructure owners to guarantee the quality of the concrete cast in place. The organizations involved will implement the guidelines in their daily operations.

Impacts/Benefits of Implementation

Understanding the changes in fresh properties and air void system due to pumping is a new step in making concrete infrastructures more durable and sustainable. This will be achieved by the developed performance specifications on fresh properties.

Web Links

Project website:

Final report: PDF